Friday, April 7, 2023

The * Big * News

Pop open a bottle of champagne, it is time to rejoice! 

As I mentioned earlier this week there is big bullfight news that will permanently put the sport of soccer in the graveyard for me. (Well, I'll still be around to poke fun at MLS and RSL whenever needed, how can I not?) 

But, not since the 90's and the days of the old C-band satellite dishes has a bullfight fan in the United States been able to watch bullfights on live tv. And even with those C-band satellite dishes you had to have a Latin American package which included TVE (TV Español). 

Sadly when DishNetwork and DirectTV came around C-band satellite dishes went away. I know, I had one and getting them repaired became a nightmare (which I had to do a lot because of the high wind in Utah would damage the arm that pushed the satellite dish back and forth to pick up the channels) and the packages with the different channel choices slowly went away too.

Then in the early 2000's I found a website where you could order DVD copies of many of the big bullfights from Spain and Mexico. I bought several DVD's but with time even that got a little difficult as the guy who ran the website, I suppose from his basement, slowly stopped updating it and it eventually went away.

So, for the last decade or so I've had to be content with watching whatever bullfight videos would show up on YouTube or Facebook, or the basic video highlights on Madrid's bullring website.

But not anymore damn it !

Technology has finally entered the world of the bulls with broadcasts being available worldwide via the internet and the new app Mundotoro TV.

For just about $11.00 a month someone will have access to all the major bullfights in Spain. Madrid, Sevilla, Valencia, as well as much much more. I would imagine they will also make the bullfights from the south of France available too such as Nimes and Arles. 

And there are no contracts, you can cancel at any time. But why would you?!

Amazing, absolutely amazing. Some good news finally, surely bullfight fans from around the world deserve some. 

This Sunday is the big kickoff with one of the biggest events of the year, the Easter Sunday bullfight from La Maestranza de Sevilla, "the cathedral of bullfighting". 

Then the following week Sevilla's Spring Fair will start with bullfights everyday for two weeks, then shortly after that Madrid's San Isidro fair will kick off with bullfights almost everyday for over a month. All of which I will be able to watch from the comfort of my own home thousands of miles away. 

I'm so damn happy I might just start running naked in the streets.

Who does RSL play this week? 

Oh, who the hell cares, I have bullfights to watch!

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