Sunday, July 31, 2022

Ghosts of Xango

The other day, on a warm summer morning just as the sun was coming up, I found myself across the street from the old RSL Xango practice field down in Lehi. 

Something caught my eye, what appeared to be the skeletal remains of some goal posts. Something beckoned me, called me to walk over and take a look.

I wandered over, wondering what I might find. Would I see someone out there kicking a ball around?  A coach yelling instructions perhaps.

No,sadly no. 

All I saw were some sprinklers in full song, and the mangled remains of some soccer goals. Bones bleached from the hot Utah summer sun. Ghosts of what was RSL's practice field before Rio Tinto stadium was built and Sandy stepped in. 

Ghostly ground, yet holy ground. Ground where the boots of RSL players once trot.

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